white wagon

white wagon
beauty in performance
get me there
and back again
on time
leather comfort
bells and whistles
honk the horn like trumpets
the old girl sings
not bad
in chasing rainbows
and other things
wild abandonment
meant for you
i go to purchase rings
my queen-dom for horse-power
charging on all cylinders
taking every curve and corner
like an athlete
effective and with nerve
sensuous self-fulfilling prophecy
delivered and well served
smooth sailing down the avenue
with engines hardly heard
a quickened pace of passer-bys
they all seem so reserved
the windows steamy from hot snow
and ice so cold it burns
yet i am in an afterglow
beautiful white wagon beaming so
delightful little auto
taking me along for the ride
so happy to be in my
little white wagon
inviting you to ride
with me
through a life-time
by my side.

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