the loved one

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the loved one
familiar beautiful
walk with you
in joy and pride

for all the words
we hide
the best as yet to bring
looking back we’ve just begun
once more again begin

the night fit like an old pair of shoes
the jacket with the patches
find elbow room

happy times elate
sentimental sweet caress
share the gentle care
much thoughtful tenderness

hurried were the days
daunted worry

remembered bliss
that little pout
that gregarious character that laugh out loud

thunderous wonder rewards
a portrait to recapture

human nature
build on higher ground
pearl in oyster
intact a tactful act
the actual fact
fiction a mission
delirious depiction
utopian artifact

you are a vision
for four poor eyes
between reason and disguise
sing songs of the season
subdue your tears with lullabies

birds flight in the light of the midday sky
the sun is as round as a Gods Eye
He watches over us with warmth
to lighten our days

the moon
with an encore
of “moon river”
the oceans weep
pray to heal all wounds not hinder
from depths as deep in winter.

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