
of believing

tall dark handsome resound the sound of canons in nights devoted dusks to rush head first into sudden clouds as streaks from lime-colored rockets circle in reverie around the hallowed Heavens to honor Jono on the onset of his journey- may it be turnkey-many blessings a windfall in Autumn-a blaze of glory brilliant as gold…

ocean reef

we are complex loving compassionate when the threat has ceased finding the time for peace in that moment we’re released with a hunger for more than food to feast i love you so much more honey to speak with our hearts so openly our love not just for a moment after such a momentous morning…

ocean and sky

i am a noisy painter loud and brash palette knife swipes splash blue sky crashes white heat strokes blemish the remnant past strike out sound is laughing out loud seasick waves clash the embarrassed moon blushes like a tomato colored in day glow restless jealous surf the sand tan a darkest earth as wind cannot…

nyc 1974

been through so much the human emotional ties intense individuality guise process in potential normalcy pretty pacified dormant creativity to pray for the appearance of God searching for signs in kind faces a blind man walks an angel races picking up rubbish on the streets of Broadway painting an ashram wall watched you play tennis…

november night

November night the blue lawn holds the raspy rain blown like missiles icy on cedar planks outside these windows the world cries to be let in and get dry warmth a repast heat is a blast cast away are the creatures of the Springs the blue pine pine away the time cold showers from a…


night leaks all over the day like a potters wheel of clay as an ocean held at bay as a baby crying to be held the magnitude the stormy stew swept away strong the strength sweeping streets bringing in the leaves no birds at their peck and caw from out of sight a miserable night…

new moon

silver sliver hanging mid-heaven fixed in charcoal sky keeping currents high restless rivers running rushing relentlessly to find changes exchanging quivers letting go of strings to fly on elemental wings to hear a sound so sweet as the bluebird sings with everything she brings encompassing many things the songbird knows not why she sings nor…

never so shaken

The Lord Thy God sits on His throne light years away from His true home He lived on the Earth traveled far past Jupiter and every star to reach the Heavens immortal men as we pray on Earth and say Amen to come together as a people one body one mind would make the Earth…

mythic mystery

take me to a secret place where murmurs heard in hazy white leaves of trees and surrounding weeds rustling into filtered light pass this way dark and dim the site fog and rain fill the wooden silence save for the dripping of droplets on branches ancient gnarled oaks reach out from cold frozen ground to…

merry christmas

joy in a celestial babe “the day the earth stood still” to bring 3 wiseman on a wave from afar the farthest hills to walk in your shoes the dusty plain on thoroughfares that call His name a miracle The Lord is born in Bethlehem rejoice rejoice the people have one voice the music flows…