New Paintings 1-2017

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seconds timely tick
ever present memory
in a harmony of ink
sense the symmetry
the rhythm rhyme the energy
transcend the pen of pleasantry
that seals the letter with the wax
a candle’s flame flickers light
upon a wall of white
reflection on the window pane
shadows dance upon the glass
in slow repose the melting wax
a translucent mask
the looming fire cast the hours past
that humble sleep
when minutes shy the limits
of your night
in deep dark heart
look for brilliance
of bright resilience
in silent stillness.

The Messenger

June Kaplan Painting - The Messenger
The Messenger ~ 40″ x 30″ ~ acrylic on canvas


June Kaplan Paintings - Midway
Midway ~ 40″ x 30″~ acrylic on canvas


June Kaplan Painting - Tolstoy
Tolstoy ~ 24″ x 18″ ~ acrylic on canvas


June Kaplan Painting - Idyllic
Idyllic ~ 18″ x 24″ ~ acrylic on canvas