decide the time

—to The Lord

decide the time to live in reason the rhyme may hide the inquisition can’t move but tears that swoon a moon glistens and i a lonely shell called home reduce to tears yr ancient thrown and curses of all time be past let go the hate an inner faith a second date a second glance a second chance-with dire debt receive the love you seek has left and right the world in spin and whirl there is a task that mask our youth the losing game of hurt and pain may curse the way you seem denied to live and love like any guy i promise you we’ll never stray and pray for you on holiday-please accept our lives at best the world is yours when with blessings won? please please our peace the need is great officiate before too late believe in us as we believe in you a theory of the golden rule and if by chance the cold may sting as bees to the honey the plays the thing so recess retire we care we tire we cry the tears you will not fear for it would be as it once was before the time was born beside still waters sons and daughters hear a prayer for you to care once more let there be a renaissance let there be life, come join us and bring your wife.

for all the world i touch

in the course of mighty rivers challenging channels caught cold quivers quizzical shivers crimson creatures absorb light tints of night right in the middle of second sight
appeal the real spin the whim reduce the speed sleep well my steed run run the tears the task turn dark as night time come
and i alone catch colder still upon the breath of heart that kill the ever lost that never will-the milk is spilt i cry
and never was the stubborn day that end the year and this dear bay that swim the rim and beg to play a song sung low remorse must tow a wreckage of a ship at sea the hull of heaven miss her plea to be as free as she can be the torrent wind whisper
a fascination pursue a nation a revelation doubt creation and i a worldly novice ask for solace in the tropic of my silence end the vile creature stress the promise of a wretch the wicked with the license wither you go you know the flow of words will do to honor you but in the dark the cavern flood the deep sea caves are filled with mud arouse the time to rise and shine to fall the wick burn thick till done the shadow knows from whence it come and answer this my sweet resist to you and yours a best exist till day is here i tell you dear i am the one who fear the dawn if ever one felt as forlorn.

the loved one

the loved one
familiar beautiful
walk with you
in joy and pride

for all the words
we hide
the best as yet to bring
looking back we’ve just begun
once more again begin

the night fit like an old pair of shoes
the jacket with the patches
find elbow room

happy times elate
sentimental sweet caress
share the gentle care
much thoughtful tenderness

hurried were the days
daunted worry

remembered bliss
that little pout
that gregarious character that laugh out loud

thunderous wonder rewards
a portrait to recapture

human nature
build on higher ground
pearl in oyster
intact a tactful act
the actual fact
fiction a mission
delirious depiction
utopian artifact

you are a vision
for four poor eyes
between reason and disguise
sing songs of the season
subdue your tears with lullabies

birds flight in the light of the midday sky
the sun is as round as a Gods Eye
He watches over us with warmth
to lighten our days

the moon
with an encore
of “moon river”
the oceans weep
pray to heal all wounds not hinder
from depths as deep in winter.

write down the prose

write down the prose
in sweet repose
try to sleep
I count on you sheepishly

ensconced in deepest grief
I know not why
that I should cry
the colors dance on walls

red green purple blue
vivid retreat and overalls
the view won’t let me close my eyes
there’s no one I must compromise

no plunge off peers
I talk to my heart with sympathy
buy myself some Tiffany
read a chapter capture laughter

eat a dish of something rich
the night is still
salvage tears
get on scale-
more tears

a lone girl wolfs down her meat
she is discreet wants to be alone
explore the stainless refrigerator
steal immoral morsels of food
no one looking she can’t be rude

cover from head to toe with lotion
dry as sandpaper-parched as parchment
what ever became of the little girl from Larchmont? we moved to Greenwich-

I remember the gold inlay on the rectangular marble table-the knotted wool karistan the Stuebin
on the break front-dad winding the Tiffany clock-mom painting on the round kitchen table-

then at 5 o’clock mom sautéing one of her famous concoctions while dad poured himself 2 fingers-

I was able to have an open mind-I was capable
sleepy time tea occasionally camomile
milk and honey on the other side of the fridge
yogurt berries banana granola
wait till they go then have your cola

relationships-tell new friends I’d like to get to know ya-
adapt to others with ebb and flow
don’t cry in front of a guy
hold on to yourself till he leaves and then fall apart

he didn’t want your heart just a field day with
your body
so much sadness no party

East Hampton winters a comfort
living humble in my Ponderosa
organic French roast coffee 2% milk
updated phenomenal kitchen in 2 weeks
2 happy 2 be sad.

a peaceful wish

a peaceful wish
amend the sorrowful heart

may your birth
be a source of wonder

find love in everything kind
as thoughts catch in tears

the moon light the night
to hug the earth

in beauty of your life
forgiveness sends the world
to revolve around the cycle

to bless the tame and the wild
in miles and miles of valleys mountains
breeze blowing trees grassy pastures

long rocky winding rivers frozen pacified
white Ice solid marbled
tree limbs caught in fog steaming cold content

highway running dart through black hills silhouette
the wind shifts over the wet countryside upset
forget regret the worldly cause refuse

return relent renew
know love as you knew

love you more with every dawn
the love is you.

an olive branch

a greater distance to the sun from earth
paint underneath my fingernails the work to file
deny my mother and her first born child
deep chill my heartbeat still on trial
older than a tree root rots
misgivings tied to have me nots
assert the failures of composure angry hot
middle of day the right to have their say
no matter what
a break in the weather a mix of sun and rain
our tears forbidden words bring angst a cruelest pain
a flux corrode like rust repeat the same refrain
you cannot trust the ones you love so much
with loneliness to claim no loyalty no gain
as a moon will wane I think we go insane
for what is love but someone else to blame
let light shine in eyes that look deep blue
as wide as an ocean she will rescue you
she is my mother bearing flowers
she is the ear that listens for hours
she cries the tears when she feels powerless
she is my dear she is my love an angel the sign of the dove
offering an olive branch
on the other end of the phone telling me she loves me
while eating olives.

patch a fallen tie

You are the paper sky
you are the pencil shade my eye
hold my hand I cry your tears
she is the cradle in my sunrise
the stranger of my surmise
too quick to say goodbye
patch a fallen tie
gold-leafed charm
a calming heart
why wonder we cannot see
the Earth in all her finery
grateful for your gallery
reserve the rite to be
among her bless-ed best
a summer rosary
rise and shine she calls upon request
love not wavering
those humble sweet seasons
for savoring
sought of give and take
children born for humblings sake
a keep sake for safe keeping
Gods gift to win
a smile for your grin
good fortune’s Phoenix
center ’round the ring
pray for strength from weakness
to happen the day
daughters and sons
catch us in His arms
hugs till day is done
regard the setting sun
without harm for anyone.



in somber summer sways
so sweet the seldom ways
that swept the rain as wept
wet upon the window pane
crept courage ageless credulous
the waning moon jealous
tenuous the trust as just melodious
betwixt the kisses vengeful
mesmerize memories amenity
fluid find mercury
slip like quick silver destiny
breath a silent wreath
that whispers speech in harmonic pleasure
quell the quill as feathers will resume
in twinge the ring of better states
surround the sound of give and take
no hail the stone frail fragment found
shattered shale of rocky ground
simply pale the moon is round
and I for one cannot bear
the rest of time alone
inside the outer rigid roam
holding back gentle tears
the corrosive wake
a blurred visions treason
in a girl without reason
recede reckless rivers writhing
past the pace sip the lip of lying
in the middle of resonance
caught the benevolence
the moon since afternoon shining
warm to the bones heartening
pondering I know no enemy
a personal rescue remedy
you knight of my days
around circles twirl amused
enthusiasm blends the blues
in a moody evening mood.

walk the way to town

psalms soulfully suggest
a revolution deducting lucid
thought as willows cry distraught
the mossy ground wet with tears soil toils not to drown,
lift your dressing gown across the lawn, through the
merciless mud and twig looking
for a truth to give, please hold
me in sustainable arms, as wings are for birds that fly and I, can’t get up
off the ground as little flowers act as if there’s nothing wrong along
the lonely walk the way to town.